Professor Monica Ferreira. Honoris Causa PhD (NWU), DPhil, MA, served as president

of ILCSA from its inception in 2005 until April 2015.  She currently serves as ILCSA's Honorary President.  She served as Co-President of the ILC Global Alliance (with Baroness Sally Greengross).




ILCSA currently has two Co-directors: Associate Sebastiana Kalula at the University of Cape Town and Professor Jaco Hoffman at North-West University.  E-mail:


Professor Sebastiana Kalula is an Associate Professor and specialist physician in Geriatric Medicine at the University of Cape Town

(UCT) and Groote Schuur Hospital. She is the director of the Institute of Ageing in Africa and the Co-Director of the International Longevity Centre South Africa (ILCSA) at UCT. After medical training in Zambia, she obtained Membership of the Royal College of Physicians (UK) and specialised in Geriatric Medicine in the United Kingdom. She holds an MMed in Medicine, an MPhil degree in Epidemiology and a PhD from UCT.  She is a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians (UK). Apart from clinical service in Geriatrics, including at a Memory Clinic and in General Internal Medicine, and teaching responsibilities, she manages a focused and expanding research programme at the IAA, and directs ILCSA’s research, policy and advocacy programmes. Her current research interests include falls in older persons, HIV and ageing, quality and safety in health care for older adults, and physical and cognitivefunctioning.

Kalula is a member of national and international associations and societies with a specific interest in ageing, and of the International Longevity Centre Global Alliance (ILC-GA), the Global Aging Research Network (GARN) of the International Association of Geriatrics and Gerontology (IAGG), and the African Research on Ageing Network (AFRAN)and South African Geriatric Society (SAGS).


Professor Jaco Hoffman, DPhil (Oxon), is Professor of Socio-Gerontology and leader of the Optentia Research Focus programme: Ageing and Generational Dynamics in Africa (AgenDA) at North-West University (Vaal Triangle Campus), South Africa as well as Visiting James Martin Senior Research Fellow in the Oxford Institute of Population Ageing at the University of Oxford, UK. He is also an Honorary Professor in the Institute of Ageing in Africa, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Cape Town, and is a Co-director, with Professor Sebastiana Kalula, of the International Longevity Centre–South Africa (ILCSA).

Jaco’s research experience pertains mainly to the Social Sciences (Sociology, Anthropology) with specialisation in the multi-disciplinary field of Socio-Gerontology, and includes topics such as HIV/AIDS, poverty, (long-term) care, family dynamics and community development. He aims to draw together areas of (South) African life and the living experience of older persons, to understand dis/enabling care environments for persons of all ages. He works to achieve a generational perspective, across the life-course, through the employment of qualitative research methods.

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